Blight wiped out my ripening tomatoes and knocked down the potato plants so I harvested fast and found this load. Not bad for dropping spud quarters in the dirt.
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry
Posted via email from TedVilla
Keep your sword hand free
Blight wiped out my ripening tomatoes and knocked down the potato plants so I harvested fast and found this load. Not bad for dropping spud quarters in the dirt.
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry
Posted via email from TedVilla
Posted by
5:07 PM
Monday 14 September we were eating dinner on our porch when some really loud jet caught our attention. We ran out to see because it was military and they were very low. We saw the jets and also this amazing sky. I caught the squadron against a gorgeous backdrop. They were doing the flyover for the Patriors/Bills Monday Night Game at Foxboro.
See and download the full gallery on posterous
Posted via email from TedVilla
Posted by
3:52 PM
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry
See and download the full gallery on posterous
Posted via email from TedVilla
Posted by
3:46 PM
Today marks the eighth anniversary of the attacks on the World Trade Center in New York, the Pentagon in Washington DC and the downing of United Flight 93. The below list contains the names of the people on United Airlines Flight 175. Regular people, doing regular things, on a beautiful morning 8 years ago who never came home. The list of the murdered is long, the locales varied, this is but a sampling.
May they never be forgotten, and may their families find comfort as the years go by.
Alona Abraham
Garnet Edward Bailey
Mark Lawrence Bavis
Graham Andrew Berkeley
Touri Bolourchi
Klaus Bothe
Daniel Raymond Brandhorst
David Reed Gamboa Brandhorst
John Brett Cahill
Christoffer Mikael Carstanjen
John J. Corcoran III
Dorothy Alma de Araujo
Ana Gloria Pocasangre Debarrera
Robert John Fangman
Lisa Anne Frost
Ronald Gamboa
Lynn Catherine Goodchild
Peter M. Goodrich
Douglas Alan Gowell
Francis Edward Grogan
Carl Max Hammond, Jr.
Christine Lee Hanson
Peter Burton Hanson
Susan Kim Hanson
Gerald Francis Hardacre
Eric Hartono
James Edward Hayden
Herbert Wilson Homer
Michael Robert Horrocks
Robert Adrien Jalbert
Amy N. Jarret
Ralph Kershaw
Heinrich Kimmig
Amy R. King
Brian Kinney
Kathryn L. LaBorie
Robert G. Leblanc
Maclovio Lopez, Jr.
Marianne Macfarlane
Alfred Gilles Marchand
Louis Mariani
Juliana McCourt
Ruth Magdaline McCourt
Wolfgang Peter Menzel
Shawn M. Nassaney
Marie Pappalardo
Patrick J. Quigley IV
Frederick Charles Rimmele III
James Roux
Jesus Sanchez
Victor J. Saracini
Mary Kathleen Shearer
Robert M. Shearer
Jane Louise Simpkin
Brian David Sweeney
Michael C. Tarrou
Alicia N. Titus
Timothy Ray Ward
William Michael Weems
Posted by
12:42 AM
Labels: in memoriam, Remembrance, September 11 2001, United Airlines 175