Wednesday, August 19, 2009


We've got a nice patch of bee balm outside the window of our kitchen. I've been noticing this little humming bird outside over the past couple of weeks.
I finally was able to capture it on film, chip, whatever one now calls the photo medium in the age of digital photography. The bird was a tricky thing to photograph since its movement was so frenetic.
I've cropped and blown up and adjusted levels on this photo just to make the hummingbird more visible -- lots of green and red in this shot and the bird blends in really well. It is dead center in the photograph.
When I first saw saw the hummingbird out of the corner of my eye, about two weeks ago, I thought the it was some sort of giant bee.

It's great to have a hummingbird in the yard, now if I could get it to my feeder.

Posted via email from TedVilla

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